Getting someone to love online poses a challenge of lack of initial physical contact thus someone is bound to judge you by how you present yourself online. Your score card solely lies on how you make your profile stand out and be unique among many others.
A break up is a rough decision which you may be forced to make if the relationship does not have any future. Many are the times we hold on to a dying or worthless relationship that in itself hinders us from getting into a better more meaningful relationship.
During courtship there are some key elements of a potential partner that you cannot afford to ignore so that the resulting relationship and/or marriage will be successful. The elements follow each other in A B C D E F order, not necessarily in importance.
Many people always ask this question, “How can I know it is true love?” given the number of hypocrites in this world, it is a difficult question. However, it is possible to observe some elements in a relationship and know whether it is true love or not.
Sex is closely related to our health. A healthy person is able to enjoy sex to the full, where as sex is also able to promote good health. Sex and health is a cyclic affair and both are also interdependent.
Sex talks are part and parcel of passionate sex. Sex talks are what can make or break passion in bedroom. Be anything to the world, but be a freak in the bed. Sexy talks are what drives passion to where it should be and that means the phrases that you make to your love will determine how turned on both of you will be during sex.